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D.Thorlee Photography

Framing Your Memories

Your Photographer

I'm Danielle, I'm a female photographer, based in Wigan.  I specialise in Family photography, ranging from Newborn photography, to the big family portrait, to the big day!

I have 10 years experience within photography.  I have a foundation diploma and a BA Hons degree in Photography from the Arts University College at Bournemouth.  I started shooting portraits and weddings at the age of 17, and have since worked within fashion and event photography too.  In 2012 I was employed full time to photograph fashion advertisements and clothing garments for a popular fashion website and in store brochures.


Ok boring stuff over, I'm also a full time mum to two adorable yet 'time consuming'  (I think that's the nicest possible way i can say it) children.  I've also worked within a nursery, a school and have volunteered as a support worker for children and young adults with learning difficulties and Autism.  So I think it's safe to say there isn't much I couldn't handle on a shoot!  My passion is working with children and families, I love capturing personalities and characters and creating a beautiful picture that you'll treasure for a long long time!   To me a photograph just isn't photograph, it's a memory, and I'd love to be the one who'd create that for you.


Now, feel free to browse the gallery, and take a peek at the packages I offer, if you have any questions please contact me using the contact page, or message me on my Facebook page.  I hope to hear from you very soon :)


Keep up to date with D.Thorlee Photography here on Facebook

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